I’ve spent the last several months working on a new service called WP1099. WP1099 is a service that automates filing 1099-MISC forms for site owners who are running affiliate programs or have an online marketplace. The idea behind WP1099 About a week or so before Pressnomics this year, I was looking at payouts for affiliates […]
Easy Digital Downloads Limit One Per Customer
If you are using Easy Digital Downloads, there may be times where you need to limit the purchase of a particular download on your site. There are plugins like the Purchase Limit extension, which allows you to globally limit the purchase of certain products. But what if you need to have Easy Digital Downloads limit […]
Multisite Cookies are Blocked Login Error
Have you ever set up a multisite network, started working on setting up a new subsite, and then get the cookies are blocked login error? I have, and it really didn’t make any sense. The first thing I looked for was my browser’s cookies settings. First, I made sure cookies were enabled. Then I checked […]
Sell Service Credits With Easy Digital Downloads
Selling services online has become much easier over the years. All kinds of services can be sold online – anything from landscaping and pest control to SEO or website maintenance services. If you ever considered selling your services online, this tutorial will show an easy way to sell service credits with Easy Digital Downloads. Why […]
Stay Focused When Working Remotely
I’ve been working remotely or completely solo on projects (some WordPress, some not) for about seven years now. With seven years in total working in either a remote role or with no supervision whatsoever. I’ve learned that it’s hard to stay focused when working remotely. Difficulty Getting Focused I won’t lie. When I first started, […]