In the military, missions depend on every soldier’s situational awareness. Noticing something out of the ordinary when a soldier is at war can be the difference between life and death. I’m not exaggerating either. For example, a seemingly innocent pile of rocks can indicate a potentially deadly situation. Enemies would frequently use stacks of rocks […]
Army Lessons
Being Prepared
I was originally planning on talking about being prepared in the military sense. Having backup plans for when plan A goes wrong. The last, almost, two weeks has thrown me a huge curveball though and it gave me a crash course in being prepared. On September 1st, my wife was admitted to the hospital. Shortly […]
Leaders Eat Last
The military is full of symbolic gestures, which to many people outside the military don’t have a lot of meaning. For example, changing command ceremonies or the 21-gun salute used at military funerals and other formal occasions. A symbolic gesture seen on a daily basis at military bases around the world is that leaders always eat last. […]
Battling Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome is one of those mental health buzzwords that has been floating around a lot lately. If you’re not familiar with Imposter Syndrome, it has to do with the feeling of inadequacy when compared to your peers. Think about the last time you sat in a conference where a highly respected professional in your […]
After Action Review
In the Army we would do what’s called an After Action Review (AAR), which was a way for us to debrief after a mission. We’d do it after every mission, even in training. We did this so we could learn what worked, what didn’t work, and what we can do to make next time better. […]