I’ve recently been working on a new service and was having a tough time putting a price tag on it. I had a few variables that I needed to solve for in different scenarios. I needed to plan product pricing with Google Sheets to find answers to: How much profit can I expect to make? […]
WordPress Plugin Development
Why Do I Develop WordPress Plugins
I was thinking about what my next plugin project would be the other day, and it got me thinking about the WordPress plugins I have already developed. Why did I spend all that time and energy creating something from scratch – especially when in some cases there were existing plugins that did something similar to […]
Show Easy Digital Downloads Licensed URLs
I have been selling WordPress plugins with Easy Digital Downloads for a few years now. I’m very grateful for the Software Licensing extension for Easy Digital Downloads because it enables me to track sales through the use of the built-in licensing function. Every time one of my plugins licenses is activated on a customer’s site, […]
Create Tabbed Settings Pages for WordPress Plugins
Whenever you are creating a plugin that has a lot of settings, it can be hard for the user to use a settings page with tons of options. It may make sense to group your settings into different sections so the user can find what they’re looking for easily. If you create tabbed settings pages […]
Hide Content For Logged Out Visitors
Sometimes you want to hide certain information on your site unless the visitor is logged in. Maybe you have “member only” content, or perhaps you want to personalize the visitor’s experience on your site (“Hello _____”). Whatever the reason it is easy to hide content for logged out visitors. This code snippet will create a […]