A couple months ago I sat down to record an episode of Hallway Chats with Liam Dempsey and Tara Claeys. The episode we recorded finally came out today – woot! To be honest, I was hoping it would have come out earlier.
What can I say, I get impatient sometimes.
What is Hallway Chats about?
Hallway Chats is a podcast geared towards interviewing “anyone who has not yet popped onto the radar of the wider WordPress community”. They speak with all sorts of people who do work with or relies upon WordPress in their day to day lives.
Yup, I think I can check the boxes on that set of criteria.
Who are the hosts?
Tara Claeys
Tara runs her own company, Design TLC, out of the Washington D.C. area. Her company provides custom website and graphic design services for small businesses.
Liam Dempsey
Liam runs a marketing company, LBDesign that does everything from social media and web design, to copywriting, videography, and print.
Both Tara and Liam also run local WordPress meetups, so they are very involved in the WordPress community.
My Experience
I first heard about Hallway Chats on Twitter a few months ago. The show hadn’t even released its first episode yet, and they were looking for people to interview. This year I’ve sort of had a “submit to everything” sort of mindset, so of course, I applied to be on the show.
A few days later I got an email from Liam asking to schedule a time to do a quick “get to know you” call. He asked a few basic questions, really just trying to get a feel for whether or not I’d be a good fit for the show.
Next, we scheduled a time to record the show.
I really didn’t know what to expect from the interview as this was the first podcast I’ve ever been on, but Tara and Liam were great hosts. We spent a few minutes before the recording started just chatting and laying the groundwork for how the rest of the interview would go – who would introduce who, what questions to expect, etc. They did a great job making me feel comfortable before we started recording.
It took about 45 minutes or so to chat and record the interview, so it wasn’t much of a time commitment.
If you are someone like me, who are looking to share your story with the WordPress community, I highly recommend getting on Hallway Chats. It’s a great way to share your story in a casual setting. For solopreneurs/freelancers/remote workers, it is a great way to share how you manage the day to day aspects of your life. How you balance family, friends, and your personal life with your work life. How you define success. Where/how you got started doing what you do (none of us started the same way did we?)
The episode
If you want to hear the episode, click here to get it on their site.
Also, if you have difficulty hearing the podcast like me (I suffer from hearing loss in my right ear) they also print a transcript on their site.
A+ to Hallway Chats for accessibility from the start!
You can also subscribe to Hallway Chats on iTunes, Android, or RSS.
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