The military is full of symbolic gestures, which to many people outside the military don’t have a lot of meaning. For example, changing command ceremonies or the 21-gun salute used at military funerals and other formal occasions.
A symbolic gesture seen on a daily basis at military bases around the world is that leaders always eat last.
Why do leaders eat last? It’s to show the lower ranking soldiers that the higher ranking soldiers care about their well being. That despite the fact that they have all the authority in the world to cut the line and chow down, they would never do that. It’s a symbolic gesture, but it is a way to show that they care about their soldiers. That they want to take care of the people they’re ultimately responsible for.
Could you imagine an officer cutting in front of a bunch of Privates?
They’d be totally within their rights to do so but flexing their authority like that is, well, acting like a jerk.
So in your business, think of the small gestures you can do that will show your team that you care about their well being.
- Take an interest in their personal life – Hey, how did your son’s baseball team do yesterday?
- Take their side when a client is being a jerk.
- Acknowledge their successes. Even if it’s a quick way to go email, let them know you appreciate their hard work.
- Don’t act as if you’re above them.
- Make time for regular discussions with your employees.
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