So far in the Intro to WordPress Plugin Development series, we’ve talked about properly formatting code, and how to use filters and actions. Next, we’ll look at creating our own custom post type. What are WordPress custom post types? WordPress comes with several different post types, like posts and pages. Since WordPress started off as […]
Intro to WordPress Plugin Development: Using Actions
If you have been following along with the Intro to WordPress Plugin Development series, you would have just learned about how to use filters in your plugin. Next, we’ll look at actions and how they can be used in your plugin. What is a WordPress action? According to the WordPress codex: Actions are triggered by […]
Intro to WordPress Plugin Development: Using Filters
In the first part of the Intro to WordPress Plugin Development series, we covered how to organize your plugin’s files, and the importance of unique naming (folders, files, and functions). In this part of the series, we’ll cover how to use filters. What are WordPress filters? According to the WordPress codex: Filters are functions that WordPress […]
Intro to WordPress Plugin Development
This tutorial series is a look into the best practices for developing WordPress plugins. Who is this for? This tutorial is perfect for anyone who: Has dabbled in PHP coding. Perhaps you have added a few snippets of code to your child theme’s functions.php file. Has written a custom plugin, but want some guidance to […]
Troubleshoot Conditions in WordPress Plugin Functions
When I’m working on a plugin I often times will need to troubleshoot a function that isn’t working as expected. A lot of times I’ll have a series of conditions in the function to check for various things, such as a current_user_can() type of check. Often times the function will fail to execute as expected […]